Summer has arrived, bringing record temperatures and prolonged hot weather to the country.

With the scorching temperatures, eye problems are on the rise. In this blog we look at a number of common heat related problems and how you can avoid, or detect them.
Dry Eyes
This condition happens when the tear film of the eye evaporates too soon because of high temperatures and low humidity. Our body will make less tears in a dry climates, and the tears that it does make will evaporate quicker.

Air conditioning in buildings and in your car makes your tears evaporate even faster. Your eye becomes red, irritated and has a burning sensation. If you have had previous eye surgery, especially laser refractive surgery, you are more prone to dry eyes. Certain medical conditions including Sjogren's syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, thyroid disorders or vitamin A deficiency, are all associated with reduced tear production. Talk to us about our range of dry eye drops to help relieve your dry eyes
Eye Allergies
Our eyes are very sensitive to things in the air during the summer months. Because of the heat and the high levels of pollutants and irritants in the air, our eyes may have allergic reactions. Redness, itching and burning sensation are the usual symptoms. If you are susceptible to allergies then Antihistamine eye drops, or tablets, can help relieve your eye itchiness and irritation. Sodium Cromoglycate can help relieve hay fever symptoms by preventing the release of histamine. This medication is most effective if you start using it before you have symptoms

Conjunctivitis is a very common condition during summers, recognized by symptoms like redness of eyes, pricking sensation, discharge and watery eyes. Chloramphenicol is a broad spectrum antibiotic eye drop that is effective against a variety of susceptible and serious bacterial infections
A stye is a bacterial infection that causes tiny swelling on either one or both of the eyelids. There is a small amount of irritation, swelling, and redness in the eye. It is very common among children.
Practical Tips
While these summer and heat related problems are usually short-lived, they can be extremely uncomfortable. Here are a few simple things you can do to help you avoid these problems.
Stay Hydrated!
When outdoors, always wear sunglasses that have complete UV protection
When swimming, wear goggles with adequate sealing
Avoid sharing, towels, pillowcases, and sheets, etc.
Try to use clean and fresh disposable tissues
Avoid sharing cosmetics
Avoid making direct eye-contact with air from the AC
Do not touch or rub your eyes hard
Wash your hands frequently with soap and water
Get the proper sleep for at least six to eight hours. This will help your eyes to rejuvenate in a natural way.
If you find puffiness or redness in the eyes, splash cold water a few times a day. This will help you relieve the symptoms.
If you have any of these issues, call us for a Minor Eye Conditions Service (MECS) appointment to find out what is causing your condition and to get the proper treatment.
Author: Andrew Martin